Mahiga nods to UN security council MONUSCO mandate
Foreign Affairs and East African Cooperation Minister Dr Augustine Mahiga has lauded the UN Security Council for endorsing a resolution that seeks to give more time to the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO).
Dr Mahiga, who spoke on his capacity as chairman of ministerial committee for politics and security in the Southern African Development Community (SADC), argued that the move bears “new hopes to the citizens of the DR Congo that the UN was serious in ensuring that peace is installed in their country.
” He commended the security council in an address at the UN headquarters in New York, recently. Dr Mahiga who represented 15 SADC countries in the meeting, also paid tribute to UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, saying his leadership arrived at this decision--to extend time for the MONUSCO.
He also used the platform to ask for the UN to recognize the contribution of the Force Brigade Intervention (FIB) formed by the SADC to collaborate with the MONUSCO in protecting peace in the DRC.
He explained that since the FIB was established it had exemplified ability in its operations aimed at confronting the rebels in the DR Congo. The FIB comprises of armed forces from SADC countries of Tanzania, South Africa and Malawi.
Dr Mahiga further called for collaborative role between the UNSC, SADC, African Union (AU) and the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR) to seeking peace resolutions in the DRC. He also asked the UN to support the electoral commission of DRC so that it effectively registers the voters and prepare the elections.